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Know more about us!

We organize International / National Conferences in different parts of the country. In these conferences a number of scientific programs, Symposium, Seminars, Workshops, Refresher courses, Live Survey etc. are conducted for the promotion and mutual exchange of knowledge in the field of Ophthalmic science.

Want to be a member?

We are excited to have you in our society, Let's know how you can join!

About Our Lovely Oman!

Oman's history tells stories of heroism, courage, wisdom, patriotism, love and devotion to homeland. This brings us closer to understanding the richness of the Omani cultural experience which has contributed to the building of modern Oman.

New Announcements:

Oman Journal of Ophthalmology

An official publication of the Oman Ophthalmic Society. It is a peer-reviewed, open access journal in Ophthalmology, and published 3 Issues. The journal’s full text is available online

Oman Ophthalmic Society 2022

Designed & Maintained by Mahmood Al Saidi , MD.

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